teaser tuesday (20)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 |
It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“Haly’s earliest memories were of wandering these stacks for hours against the warnings of her elders; cautionary tales of overzealous Libyrarians who lost their way in the endless maze and never returned. But even as a child, Haly had liked the tales the books told better, and in forgotten corridors she discovered worlds of adventure and majesty, and secrets.”

-p. 14 of Pearl North’s Libyrinth


Teddyree said...

What a lovely teaser, I'm intrigued!

Ryan said...

What a wonderful teaser. This will definetly be a book I'm going to have to keep a look out for. Gorgeous cover by the way and I love the title as well.

Unknown said...

So beautiful! I had this book out of the library (we're too small to be a libyrary) and had to take it back unread because I ran out of time. Will be getting it again soon, I hope!

Andrea said...

I was so entranced by this book. I can't wait for the sequel. I love Haly's gift. Great teaser!
Here's mine.

gautami tripathy said...

Adding this to my wish list!

Teaser Tuesdays: The Imposter's Daughter by Laurie Sandell

Zia said...

This is a fantastic teaser! I'm all curious now to find out more.

Harvee44 said...

Sounds like a book lover! Here's My tease.

kayerj said...

oh what nice imagery. loved this teaser. my teaser is here and I have a little something for you today.

vvb32 reads said...

i like the magical-ness of the books in this story. sounds like a good read.

Unknown said...

Terrific Teaser! I love the image of Haly unable to resist wandering the stacks and discovering the wonder, secrets and fun to be found in between the covers of a book!

Thank you!
~ Amy

Alayne said...

Definitely a great teaser. Here's mine: http://thecrowdedleaf.wordpress.com/2009/11/17/teaser-tuesday-double-or-nothin/

christine (booktumbling) said...

Wow, perfect teaser for this crowd. I would love to find myself wandering through a maze of book stacks. ahhhh

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, wonderful description there!

Thanks so much for sharing, I had forgotten this was on my list.

Lizzy said...

Great teaser! Although, getting lost among a maze of bookshelves sounds a little frightening

fredamans said...

I think I'm the only one who didn't like it. I'm sorry.


fredamans said...

I think I'm the only one who didn't like it. I'm sorry.


Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

WOW! Great teaser. That almost sounds like poetry the way it just rolls together. I am curious to see what you think of this book.

Very nice!

Shortly ago I got my teaser up if you would like to stop by...

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Fantastic imagery! This sounds like something I'd enjoy. Into my TBR pile it is!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Nan said...

great teaser!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful teaser. I think I want to be wandering amount the stacks, too.

Hector Macdonald said...

Hi Cecilia

I’d like to invite you to write about your favorite books at www.bookdrum.com, where you can add information, images, video, music and links to illustrate and explore the books.

Right now, we're running a $3,000 Tournament and we'll be offering contract work to the best entries.

Best wishes

Hector Macdonald
Editor, Book Drum

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