teaser tuesday (35)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 |
It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“Saaski was kneeling at the pond’s edge, leaning over the water like a winged thing just alighted, long fingers braced on the grassy rim, hair like a strange cloud floating about her head. She had never looked less human, despite her apron and dress. Now, said a voice suddenly in Old Bess’s mind, I could do it now and it would be all over.”

-p. 43 of Eloise McGraw’s The Moorchild


Anonymous said...

Oooh, that is a teaser! Did you really open to a random page? Those lines are perfect for Teaser Tuesday.

Terri said...

Good one! I'm intrigued.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Beth said...

Extremely interesting! Here is my teaser for this week.

Lynn Gardner said...

Oh, why do I think Old Bess is going to do something awful?

Sullivan McPig said...

wow, a very suspenseful teaser! Sounds like a cool book.

Jan von Harz said...

Do what? This is quite intriguing and I like the title and cover. Hope you are enjoying it.

Harvee44 said...

Oh, oh. She had better look out behind her. Here's my teaser.

Amy said...

I haven't heard of this one but it sounds good. Nice teaser.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Oh wow. Great one!

Alayne said...

Ooh very interesting teaser. I have two more teasers this week at The Crowded Leaf.

gautami tripathy said...

Like the cover and the teaser!

Teaser Tuesdays: The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson

fredamans said...

I'd bet I'd like this book.


Book Sake said...

Great teaser, haven't heard of this book before.

My teaser is from Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side at BookSake.

Anonymous said...

Ooh - that sounds ominous... but who's on what side I wonder?

Here's mine: http://hampshireflyer.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/teaser-tuesday-13/

Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

That is a terrific teaser! It definitely caught my interest! Definitely going to have to look into this one! I love the title too =)

Teaser Tuesday - Shadow of the Sun by Laura Kreitzer

Kathy Martin said...

Great teaser! I will have to add that book to my wishlist. Happy reading!

ham1299 said...

Intriguing! Thanks for visiting Proud Book Nerd!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, that teaser is lovely...so poetic and visual. The book cover is beautiful, too.

I like the look of your blog.

Thanks for visiting mine.

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Ooohh, what can she do? I am curious. This sounds like a good read. I hope you are enjoying it.

If you would like to stop by I have a teaser up as well. :)

Candace said...

Oh a good one! It certainly intrigued me, I'll have to look up the book!

Laya said...

Oh, goody. I've been thinking whether I should get that book. Lovely teaser!

Thank you for dropping by mine!

The Westie Loving Therapist said...

Old Bess reminds me of the woman with the poisoned apple in Snow White. I'll have to check out the book to learn more!

Thanks for visting my blog. :)

Rheanna said...

oh what is she gonna do? What a fantastic teaser thanks for visiting mine!

Faye said...

Watch out Saaski! There's trouble coming. :-) I am learning about so many different kinds of books that I may not have noticed except for doing Teaser Tuesdays.

Thanks for checking out my review of Brooklyn. BTW, don't know if I mentioned last week, but I love the looks of your blog design.

Anonymous said...

Great teaser. I bet my daughter and I would both like this one. I'm jotting it down now.

Peaceful Reader said...

Great teaser and I'm really drawn to the cover of the book. I think I would like this one.

Alyce said...

This book looks like so much fun, and I love the cover!

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