teaser tuesday (41)

It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“I would be alone with the cottage that once was a chapel, and the gardens, and the ruins, and whatever ghosts of dead monks still wander the fields. I might never have cause to speak aloud again.

Unless I left.”

-p. 20 of Maryrose Wood with The Duchess of Northumberland’s The Poison Diaries

You can read this book for free at the HarperTeen website.


LKT said...

I like that. Very intriguing.

My teaser is here:


apple blossom said...

gets me attention
thanks for visiting my TT

Lorin said...

Sounds lovely and eery.

Thanks for visiting arch thinking!

Heather said...

Excellent teaser, sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for visiting!

Book Soulmates said...

Ooh, cool teaser! I've seen this book around, but haven't added it to my TBR yet.

Let me know how you like it :)

Thanks for stopping by teasers this week!

Have a great day!

Tracy said...

Ooooh - very cool and spooky. :) Great teaser.

Natalie W said...

I'll have to check this book out! Sounds good.
Natalie :0)

fredamans said...



Unknown said...

I like this teaser! This book sounds very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I love that teaser.

Melanie said...

I saw that this was getting posted as a freebie for the month. Looks interesting! Not sure if I have the patience to read it on my computer, but perhaps can at least sample it.

RJ said...

What an interesting premise! Love the teaser as well.

Alayne said...

Love that teaser! Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Missy B. said...

Great teaser!

Thanks for visiting me today!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

SOunds interesting..thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Wow. Intense. I dig ;)

Angelia said...

Great teaser! Is this a series? I'm off to google it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Bailey said...

Interesting teaser! Thanks for checking out my blog! You're officially my first (and so far only) comment. :)

Harvee44 said...

I've heard good things about the book! Nice tease. Here's mine.

Lizzy said...

Great teaser! It sounds a little spooky.

Laura @ A Jane of All Reads said...

That sounds interesting and maybe a little scary.

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

It almost sounds sad. With being alone and not talking again. But Ghosts. Wow. Sounds like a great and detailed read. Thanks for the teaser, as I haven't heard of the book until now.

If you would like to stop by, I have a teaser up as well...

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