It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted every week by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:
Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page (or if you're reading on an electronic device, pick a random number and scroll to that section). Post two or more sentences from that page, along with the book title and author. Share your find with others in the comments at Should Be Reading, and don't give anything vital away!

“Ashley was the only one who could see the difference between what should be real and what should not be: she had some power here.
It pains me to confess Ashley had little poetry in her soul. She would have preferred titanium body armor.”
p. 149 of Trisha Telep’s Kiss Me Deadly anthology – quote from Sarah Reese Brennan’s ‘The Spy Who Never Grew Up”
Sounds like a powerful female lead!
Oh snaps! This is what I'm reading right now! I just finished "LOST".
Hope you enjoy it!!
Paranormal Wastelands' TT
cool teaser. Will have to find out who else is in this anthology.
O that's good. I like the voice.
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