It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted every week by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:
Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page (or if you're reading on an electronic device, pick a random number and scroll to that section). Post two or more sentences from that page, along with the book title and author. Share your find with others in the comments at Should Be Reading, and don't give anything vital away!

“It had the size and claws of a predator, but its shape was unlike any Alek had seen before.
It was headed straight for the ship.”
p. 19 of Scott Westerfeld’s Goliath (ARC version, subject to change)
Sounds dangerous.
Here is mine
Sounds very very interesting.
Now that's got me interested... want to know more.
Good choice.
Here's mine:
A great Teaser!
My TT,
Have a nice week.
Sounds good, the cover looks interesting too... I'll have to check this one out when it releases.
Jess @ The Midnight Bookworm
Like the cover and the teaser does sound interesting... might have to check it out.
Teaser Tuesdays - House Millar books
What a wonderfull teaser!
Have a great day!
Kyanara from laced little muffin's reading corner
great teaser, thanks for sharing :)
heres mine
OOOOOO....good one.
Here's mine:
Now that's a tease! I really want to read this series. I have a teaser and a giveaway today: The American Heiress!
Nice teaser! I am getting ready to start his Uglies series and I can't wait!
Now come...let me TEASE you!
Okay, that's definitely teasing! I haven't heard of this before, but I'm intrigued to know more. :) My teaser can be found here!
Kinde Fever
Oh love this! A bit creepy, eh?
Frighteningly creepy....thanks for sharing.
OH MY GOSH, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! I LOVE this series!!! Haha, sorry for that outburst :)
I just finished reading and reviewing Behemoth and am now looking to get my hands on Goliath at one of my public libraries. Thanks for this teaser, I was so excited when I saw it in the TT comments! :D New follower btw...
You can see my teaser here , it's from Lost Voices by Sarah Porter. Would love if you stopped by!
Have a great week :D
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
Lea - I love this series, too! So glad (and scared) to be reading the finale!
Sounds scary, good teaser.
here's mine:
are they talking about another ship?
My Teaser!
intriguing teaser!
Looks like Steampunk, must lurk and find out more ;-)
Sounds like they could be in trouble.
Great teaser - I really need to read this series.
Sounds dangerous!! I really need to read this series - books one stares at me every time I open my bookshelf doors. Great teaser =)
I'd be running! Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
Oooooo I wonder what it is. Great teaser :)
Oh, this is one series I haven't started yet but do want to. Great teaser! And now I need to remind my friend it's coming out soon as her son LOVES this series. :) Thank you!
Intriguing teaser! Thanks for stopping by and checking my teaser out!
Louise @ Between the Covers
Great teaser. My teaser is here
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